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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Day 311 of Sheltering In

Tuesday. Tonight my daughter was open hand hit in the mouth by Nutjob. Then Nutjob started throwing things in the kitchen, hitting the other resident with an item. Then Nutjob came at my daughter again, swinging. My daughter ran into her bedroom and locked herself in. My daughter called house staff downstairs, but they said they were leaving and would return. She left and hasn’t been back yet. I reached an assistant director via text who only said they would speak with the house staff. The direct supervisor is off today, so my daughter got nowhere trying to reach that person. My daughter has a witness in the other resident. My daughter is still locked in her room and the other resident is in her room. The thing is this bully has threatened my daughter before and they do nothing. My daughter just signed a lease and will be moving out soon, but she has not been given a date. The apartments are owned by the same place as the group home. We don’t want to rock the boat and there have never been consequences for Nutjob in the past anyway, so what’s the point, hopefully my daughter will be moving soon and not have to deal with Nutjob. 

In other leg brace is delayed. The insurance says they haven’t gotten the paperwork. The Prosthetic and Orthodic place has an answering service that I left a message with this morning, but haven’t heard back from them. I called the orthopedic doctor’s office and was sent to voicemail where I left a message. That means nothing because they have yet to return any of my wife’s calls in the past (same doctor that she had 2 TKR’s done by). Oh...bonus...the insurance can take as long as 14 business days to approve or deny. I canceled all PT appointments last week, but they are calling me to reschedule. I’m in a lot of pain and I’m afraid I am going to do more damage, so I don’t want to start again until I get the brace. 

Silly me woke my son up at 9am to shovel the driveway because I thought I’d be going to at the very least have measurements taken for the custom fit brace. Nope.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021

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