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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 22, 23, 24 of Sheltering In

That’s Sunday-Tuesday for anyone keeping track.

Sunday was Easter. I did plant my vegetable seeds as planned. One seed starting tray, and 6 small pots from herbs from last year. I left (2) 6 packs empty. I forgot to get Parsley seeds. You’re thinking, whoa, what are you gonna do with 6 Parsley plants? My answer? Save money! I have been making my own tabuleh which uses a lot of Parsley. Usually 3-4 packages at the bodega. At the grocery store that would probably be 6 bunches at $1.49+ each. Remember when parsley and kale were garnishes and no one ate them? Ah, the good old days. It’s super healthy. I make it with quinoa instead of bulgur wheat.

Easter dinner was ham, corn pudding, and roasted Brussels Sprouts. I didn’t make the pineapple upside down cake and I forgot to hand out the Easter candy. I have to make a porch drop to my daughter Thursday or Friday, so hopefully I will remember hers. I have prescriptions to drop off.

Monday morning my daughter called and woke me, crying hysterically. She’s not doing well. She said an animal was chewing on her arm, trying to tear it off and she was in a lot of pain. Dear Jesus, please help my daughter get through this without having to go to the hospital. I talked to her and calmed her down. I told her it was just a dream, no animal was in her room, her arm was fine. No blood, right? No. Then it was just a dream. I’m very concerned. It wasn’t a dream. It was a visual and sensory hallucination. She’ll have been ill for 13 years in October. She’s had similar hallucinations many times, always preceding a hospitalization. I told her she can talk to me any time and I meant it. I got off the phone and cried for a 1/2 hour. Then I pulled my shirt together and called my wife (it’s the only way I can have a convo with her, with my son not hearing my side of the convo, she replies with yes and no and anything that doesn’t give away what we’re talking about). We both agreed that if my daughter continues to have symptoms or starts to de compensate, I will tell my daughter to pack her bag and I would go get her and she will stay with us rather than go to the hospital. If she needs to stay here 2 weeks because of the state’s rules on the lockdown, then so be it.

In better news, it looks like my daughter moving into one of the new apartments close to my home is coming closer to happening. They are working the numbers and wanted her gross wages from her W-2. They have to calculate with her benefits and wages what rent she should be paying. My daughter got all concerned because they asked for that info and when I told her why she got excited. I had to remind her what the plan is. Lockdown needs to be lifted by the state, then we meet with the Director and Asst Director to talk about the apartment and they give us an update on construction. (I drive by there every now and then and have a look see from the street. All built, windows and doors installed, still only Tyvek on the outside. They are likely working on the inside now. Electrical, plumbing, drywall, flooring, etc. Since the lockdown I give my daughter an update about every other time.)

Monday and Tuesday I worked on our taxes. Two days because I can’t sit for for long enough to get it done in one day. I had gotten my daughter’s done when she first got her W-2. I was thinking we owed, because I had 2 surprise 1099’s, but it ended up zero/zero. A refund would have been nice, but zero tax owed is good. I efiled the Federal Tuesday and planned to go to the post office to mail the state. Why should I pay $29.99 to efile it when I’m not even getting a refund? Keying it in on a site so I could efile for free would be too much hassle. Especially since I had to fill out some weird additional forms.

So the movie count with my son is 1 Star Wars movie, 3 We’re the Millers (it’s ok, I really like it), 2 Rocketman (I really liked it too) and more Mysteries at the Museum than I can count. 

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020

1 comment:

Lin said...

I hope your daughter can get through this without hospitalization. Yikes. How scary for all of you!

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