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Friday, June 12, 2020

Day 84 of Sheltering In

Friday. My daughter had her coronavirus test this morning at 11am and was told she must isolate for 72 hours. The nurse at the group home office said she would let the staff know they still needed to get my daughter her medication as prescribed. Staff refused to get my daughter her diabetes medication at 4pm. She is due for her mental health medications at 8pm. My daughter has contacted her Team Lead leaving her a voicemail. I texted her Team Lead. Crickets. This isn’t rocket science folks! Give my daughter her damn medicine as prescribed. Put the pills in a bottle or ziplock bag and toss it to my daughter at the top of the stairs. Call my daughter and tell her to go to the front porch and put that bottle or bag on the porch and watch my daughter through the damn window as she takes her medications. My blood is boiling right now. Are they forkin morons that they can’t figure this out on their own? They don’t need to rig a damn dumb waiter outside to a 2nd floor window, but they need to figure out SOMETHING! There are all kinds of ways to get her medication to her without being near her.


I had my PT Eval for my shoulders. Not only did they make me move my painful arms and shoulders in unnatural ways and take measurements, they also started PT. OMG! I hurt so bad right now. The situation at my daughter’s group home isn’t helping because it’s making me tense and making the arms, shoulders and back hurt more.

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2020


songbird's crazy world said...

I'll send the bail money. they need to figure out how to get the meds to your daughter NOW

Bev Sykes said...

I can't believe anyone would withhold DIABETES medication!

Lolasdiner said...

My daughter did get her diabetes medication. Staff also told her where to find her medication for breathing treatments that other staff said she no longer had. In fact, shortly after I texted the staff member’s supervisor she was all pleasant and cooperative.

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