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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Day 368 of Sheltering In

Wednesday. Late yesterday afternoon my wife and I were scrambling trying to get appointments for the vaccine for her and my son. They got appointments for the 30th in J town, back to back. So happy they were able to get appointments so close. 

I barely got through PT today. I had a new to me physical therapist today. He is from India and we talked about the vaccine and how getting one in India is so much easier. There is a single website for the entire country. You sign up, you get a token, then you can go to any site administering the vaccine that has it in stock and wait in line. No appointment needed. He says it’s so much more organized, you don’t have to be of a certain age or have underlying conditions. You sign up, get a token, and go get vaccinated. There is just too much bureaucracy here.

I still feel blah since I got the vaccine. The muscle pain in the arm I got the injection in, is almost gone. I’m tired, but I think it’s lack of sleep. It’s difficult when you have arm pain on the right side and knee pain on the left. I was constantly changing positions. The good thing is that the arm pain is barely there now, so I should sleep well tonight. I was also nauseous today, but I’m chalking it up to IBS. Usually I just get abdominal pain when I have a flare up, and I rarely get nauseous. I guess I just got lucky today.

Supposed to have a doctor appointment Thursday, but they didn’t confirm it. I’m kind of hoping it’s canceled. I will have to call in the morning to find out. I just don’t have the energy. I know they will X-ray my knee, so I’m dreading that. I’ve got a ton of PT visits approved and I would rather do that. No way do I want surgery. Besides, what are they going to do about the sprained LCL? Nothing beyond what I’m already doing. Surgery would be for the meniscus tear. I’ve been told by 2 doctors that it’s a minor tear, so I’m holding on to that.

Here’s a funny. A cousin of my wife’s started sending me messages on Messenger. Clearly she thought she was messaging someone else. She was typing so fast it was hard to get across her error. She was nice about it and we had a nice chat. I haven’t really talked to her since our wedding. What with my surgery, my wife’s surgery, her cousin’s health problems, and the pandemic it’s been impossible to make the trip to Indiana. Hopefully after our family gets vaccinated and the waiting period passes we can have a visit there.

My daughter is so annoying about her home visit. I told her I would have to check with my wife. I know she wants to plan a visit to her Dad’s, so I do need to confer with her about what dates the home visit will be. Oh, and it’s her birthday in Easter. As if I didn’t know!

Lola’s Diner cc.  2008-2021

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