I woke up with my back screaming. I must have kicked the blanket off and exposed my back to the cool air. That’s never good. I still went to PT and the only thing I skipped was the step thing. L foot step up, R foot step up, then L foot step down, R foot step down. Rinse and repeat. I also did an extra minute on the step bike. Way to get M all excited! 😂
The book I mentioned yesterday? Nope. Not what I expected. There is little mention of diagnosis’s, so it’s useless for the reason I had bought it ($1.49). It’s definitely interesting. It’s more about a psych ER doctor’s experiences from residency to doctor. At first it was very descriptive of the patients she was seeing, then it just veered off into what the shifts are like and what goes through this psych ER doctor’s mind as she does rounds on all the various sections of the hospital. I will likely finish the book, but I’m no longer in a rush because I won’t be passing it on to my wife. So the search continues.
I finally talked to my wife and figured out a date for my daughter’s home visit. We will pick her up on the 31st. Of course now my daughter can’t stop talking about it.
Lola’s Diner cc. 2008-2021
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